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My Story Began...

Some people think of it as a personal journey/enlightenment, I am one of those people, I used to think I was only doing it for myself. Then I realized that my journey might help others. They might realize, "well if she can do it, so can I."


I wasn't super healthy before, I'd eat terribly every day and it would never show because of my thyroid disease. My mom can verify this- I used to not gain weight even though I'd eat two double-cheeseburgers, medium fries, and pop. Six years later I finally realized I had a problem, and it wasn't my thyroid disease, it was me.


I decided to change my life, and my coach (thank god) is helping me do this. I get periodic check ins from her to see how my life/journey is going. I found a consistency in doing things like a stretch/fitness group, workout program, etc. I found more consistency in doing a journey with a group, I was held accountable, and offered a solution.


I became a coach to help others find this same solution: a meal plan, a workout program, and support. I began this journey to help others see the light in their lives, and realize this is not what they have to be forever. 

My Purpose

My purpose is, very simply put, my "why". It encompasses my values, priorities and my life's principles.


Most people never take the time to determine who they are and what is really important to them. Many acheive their goals they have set for themselves only to find out they aren't any happier than when they first started.


Defining what matters most to us and finding our purpose in life becomes a critical part of our daily drive towards our goals. Having the ability to pin point our "why" is the first step in reaching our goals. Only once you truly know what is most important to you, with distinction and clarity , will you have the ability to properly set goals and take action. 


It has been a mission of mine for quite some time now to help instil confidence in others. It brings me an indescribable amount of joy to see someone literally transform before me as their levels of self-confidence rise. I truly value helping others find their way towards enjoying a healthy , happy and fullfilling life.

My Promise

I want you to feel amazing about yourself every single day of your life. I want you to wake up with a smile every morning and be excited to take on the day. I promise you will be confident in yourself, in your abilities and your actions you are taking to reach your desires. 

I promise to push you to become a more energetic individual and help you reach your physical peak. We’ll focus on your daily routine, your fitness program and your diet to ensure you reach all of your fitness goals and truly meet your full mental & physical potential.


Let's do this together and get started now on getting you back on track to pushing towards your dreams!

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